Hi, I'm Berthold, I play keyboards and currently I'm learning the guitar. Currently I'm a student of SAE London.
Previously I graduated as a sound designer in a course that gave me the opportunity to approach every aspect of film production and to work in a great number of professional sets. Working on a vast range of roles on these sets allowed me to develop the knowledge of how a set works, from preparing a single shot to the importance of order, scheduled deadlines and good communication.
From 2017 onwards I worked on various audio post-production and recording related projects, such as short movies with which I won 2 Best Sound Design("RORRIM", "Human Protocol") awards in movie festivals and got nominated in a few more, tv advertisements, documentaries such as "Giubilei: La strada del perdono" and "Lives Of Mecca" and on a children's cartoon called "Dixiland"(season 2) that was broadcasted on Rai Yoyo and is currently available for streaming on RaiPlay. From 2019 onwards I've worked as a crew man in the live events industry, including concerts, festivals such as All Points East, Creamfields and Glastobury Festival.
I see my future career path going towards videogames as a sound designer after I graduate since I've always been fascinated by how sound works in video games, how they can convey emotions through soundscapes, or as an example how much and the interactions of a player can impact a game through sounds, distracting enemies, solving puzzles, finding hidden conversations in open world settings that impact the story, making players aware that an action they committed had a reaction in the game they still have to find(such as opening a hidden door). That's what I look forward to, as well as discovering new ways to affect players through creative sound design and gimmicks.